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Farms - Farmers

Farmers are more than food producers—they are stewards of the earth, innovators, and pillars of society. By embracing technology, forging direct relationships with consumers, and minimizing waste, they can overcome challenges and secure their livelihoods.

Grapefruit - Citrus

Grapefruit - Citrus

Grapefruit’s bold flavor and health benefits make it a global favorite, but its cultivation faces climate and disease hurdles. From Florida groves to Tokyo supermarkets, this citrus gem nourishes and inspires

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Oregon Farms & Farmers

Oregon Farms & Farmers

Oregon’s farmers are the backbone of the state’s agricultural industry, providing fresh and sustainable food to local and national markets. These hardworking individuals contribute to the economy, preserve the environment, and shape the food culture of Oregon.

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Food Wholesalers - Distributors

Food Wholesalers - Distributors

Food wholesalers and distributors hold immense power to reshape the food system—prioritizing sustainability over waste, equity over exclusion, and health over convenience. They are the unsung arteries of the global food system, connecting farms to supermarkets, manufacturers, charities, and beyond.

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Farms - Farmers

Farms - Farmers

A farmer’s life is shaped by the rhythms of nature. Days begin before sunrise, with tasks ranging from planting and harvesting to caring for animals and repairing equipment. Seasonal demands—like rushing to harvest before a storm—test resilience and adaptability.

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Communty Gardens

Communty Gardens

Community gardens are shared spaces where individuals or groups come together to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. These gardens can be established in urban areas (on rooftops, vacant lots, or parks) or rural areas (on communal land).

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